Author: Maurice Tuck

  • My Poems

    All poems by Maurice Tuck Ebb Tide Sorrow has its tides. When loss has risen full No current deeply hides From lunar sway and pull, But grows and flows and streams From up the ocean shelf, To flood the living dreams Of continental self. In waves it crushes down With chills that lap the mind,…

  • Male nouns, female nouns

    By Maurice Tuck Most English words don’t change their form to distinguish between male and female. A ‘teacher’ can be a man or a woman. This is not the case in most languages related to English. Portuguese, for example, has ‘professor’ for a man and ‘professora’ for a woman. German has ‘Lehrer’ and ‘Lehrerin’. It…

  • Side by Side

    Flight of the Phoenix by Maurice Tuck, writing as Gabriel Alighieri Copyright 1978 Maurice Tuck Use only with permission. [I stand on the desert sand, the stark moon overhead, gazing at the awesome spire of granite painted pale by the lunar light. The stones surge madly, desperately, before me, like the talons of some buried…

  • The Poem in Prose

    Flight of the Phoenix  by  Gabriel Alighieri Copyright 1978 Maurice Tuck I stand on the desert sand, the stark moon overhead, gazing at the awesome spire of granite painted pale by the lunar light. The stones surge madly, desperately, before me, like the talons of some buried behemoth – only the ashen nails of its…

  • The Poem

    The Phoenix   By Maurice Tuck Moon-raking talon, pale nail of the night in the light of that planet, Pall mall in flight over sky-scraping towers of crystalline granite. Surging escarpments soar desperate upward, all reason discarded. Proud perching summits by precipice girded, by palisade guarded, Stone-faced and silent, stare desolate downward with frowns unforgiving;…

  • The Legend

    The enduring tale of the bird known as the Phoenix stretches as far back in time as historian can delve. It has a colorful, nearly impervious plumage of gold and scarlet shades of red. It begins its 500 year life-cycle as pure white, turning red as it grows older and wiser. Near the end of…

  • Various Writings

    Some of my early writings, both prose and poetry.

  • Rolf – The Exile

    Fantasy/psychic story of magician versus demon. Written in the 70s before home computers were available. I have to re-type it into the computer. This task awaits only my finding the gumption to do so.

  • Endorean Diptych

    ENDOREAN DIPTYCH by Maurice Tuck This is a science fiction/fantasy novella about the meeting of Merovin, a merger of Old Earth Zen and science, with the inhabitants of Endor, a world of magic and mutants. It is told somewhat in summary form, which gives short shrift to dialogue and many of the scenes. I intend,…

  • The Phoenix

    The Legend The enduring tale of the bird known as the Phoenix stretches as far back in time as historian can delve. It has a colorful, nearly impervious plumage of gold and scarlet shades of red. It begins its 500 year life-cycle as pure white, turning red as it grows older and wiser. Near the…

  • The Gay Page

    This is too many pieces spread about in too many folders. It will take me some time to locate, collate, structure etc. But I’ll get there.

  • True Magic

    By Maurice Tuck Contents Intro and a Note for the Skeptic – The art of not seeing magic Magic – Expressive / Receptive The Magical Mindset Science and Magic The Laws of Magic Esoteric and Intuitive Magic Magic Spells White Magic / Black Magic Mundane Magic; High Magic; Deep Magic Mind Reading The Compleat Magician…

  • Sentience – Transhuman Awareness

    By Maurice Tuck The transhuman concept is marvelous, appealing and timely. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the direction in which human consciousness is heading, barring a collapse in society – an implosion back to primitiveness – or an Orwellian catastrophe that imprisons the minds of the populace. Recombinant DNA (and…

  • Saragossa – The Vampire Legacy

    Maurice’s first and enduring love has been languages. His second love is science. His first BA, in 1969, was in French with a minor in German. Realizing that no human has ever had a decent command of even one percent of the living languages, he turned to a more generalized study and took his Masters…

  • About

    Maurice’s first and enduring love has been languages. His second love is science. His first BA, in 1969, was in French with a minor in German. Realizing that no human has ever had a decent command of even one percent of the living languages, he turned to a more generalized study and took his Masters…